Advocate Anjali Awasthi 7 SETEMBER 2024 Written Episode

Advocate Anjali Awasthi 31st August 2024 Written Episode: Anjali’s Courageous Stand

The episode begins with Nandini’s anger boiling over when she discovers that Ginni has stolen a necklace from her locker—a necklace she had bought specifically for Kavya. Furious, Nandini orders Abhay to open Ginni’s cupboard. She then takes all of Ginni’s jewelry and instructs Nivedita and Radhika to secure it in a bank locker.

When Ginni returns to her room and sees them handling her belongings, she demands to know why her cupboard is open and where they are taking her jewelry. Radhika calmly explains that they are following Nandini’s orders to move the jewelry to a bank locker.

Ginni protests, but Nandini harshly pulls out a delicate chain given to Ginni by her parents and insults her, calling her the daughter of a broke person. Nandini declares that Ginni’s status in the household is no better than Padma’s and that she has no right to the family’s jewelry. Ginni argues that as the daughter-in-law, she has every right to wear the jewelry.

Nandini coldly reminds Ginni of how she stole Kavya’s necklace from the locker and wore it without permission. She then walks away, declaring that Ginni will receive nothing from the Rajput family. Ginni, turning to Abhay, asks if he won’t stand up to his mother. Abhay, however, refuses, reminding Ginni that she tricked him into marrying her. Determined, Ginni vows to reclaim all the jewelry and win Abhay’s love as well.

Meanwhile, Raghav’s assistant, Bhajan, pressures Padma to sign a document stating that she is withdrawing her complaint against Yuvraj. Padma, however, refuses, claiming she doesn’t know how to sign. Bhajan then asks her to put her thumbprint on the document, but Padma refuses again and tries to escape.

Raghav enters the scene, angrily scolding her for living in his house, eating his food, and then betraying him. He demands that she put her thumbprint on the document, insisting that Yuvraj and his friends were just drunk and made a small mistake, and that she shouldn’t ruin their lives over it.

Padma stands her ground and recounts how Yuvraj and his friends tried to molest her, threw her into a swimming pool, and chased her, and how Anjali came to her rescue. She insists she will never withdraw her complaint.

Furious, Raghav pushes her away, but Nandini intervenes to support Padma. Nandini also scolds Padma and is about to force her thumbprint on the document when Anjali calls Raghav. She informs him that Yuvraj attacked her and that she is now going to file an attempted murder case against him.

Raghav accuses Anjali of making up the case, but Anjali reveals that she has recorded their entire conversation, including the pressure they were putting on Padma. She warns Raghav that she will use this evidence to ruin his career. Realizing the gravity of the situation, Raghav backs down and leaves Padma alone. The tension lingers as the drama continues to unfold…

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