Anupama 13th September 2024 Episode Summary: Anuj vs. Ankush – The Battle Commences

Anupama 5th September 2024 Written Episode Updated: Toshu Takes Charge of the Shah Family

The episode begins on an emotional note as Megha, filled with regret, confesses her failure as a mother to Priya. She breaks down, admitting she never even searched for her daughter and feels she doesn’t deserve to be called a mother. Anupama, with her usual compassion, consoles Megha and encourages her to start looking for Priya. She reassures Megha that while Priya may not see her as a mother, she can still be a loving figure, like an aunt (Maasi) to Aadhya. Anupama firmly states that Aadhya is her daughter but appreciates Megha’s role in keeping Aadhya safe. Overwhelmed by Anupama’s kindness, Megha apologizes, but Anupama, in her nurturing way, tells her that there is no need for apologies between mothers. They hug, and Anupama gives Megha a photo of Priya, promising they will find her. Anuj adds his support, assuring Megha that she is always welcome to meet Aadhya. Grateful, Megha thanks them both for their understanding.

In the Shah house, tensions rise. Baa anxiously asks Titu to call Vanraj, but his phone is unreachable. Worried, Baa suggests calling Vanraj’s office, but Toshu interrupts, angrily announcing that Vanraj has run away with a large sum of money and won’t return. The family is shocked, and Aadhya offers to go with Babu ji. Meanwhile, Toshu, frustrated, continues venting, claiming their father has defrauded them and left the family behind. Kinjal tries to calm him down, reminding him not to speak so harshly about Vanraj in front of Baa. But Toshu, unable to contain his anger, accuses Vanraj of betraying his own family, leaving them to suffer. Baa, in disbelief, refuses to accept that her son would do something so deceitful, but Toshu insists that Vanraj hid money from them and fled.

Just then, Anupama arrives. She gently pats Toshu’s head, trying to calm him down. Babu ji, seeing Baa’s distress, sits beside her as she starts crying. Anupama, despite recovering from her recent surgery, stands tall and declares that she is back to take control. Toshu, still furious, lashes out, accusing her of not understanding the situation. Anupama, composed, reminds Toshu that he has no right to judge Vanraj, especially considering his own past mistakes. Toshu tries to apologize, but bitterly adds that sometimes when children make mistakes, parents regret having them. He goes on to say that he feels like an orphan. Anupama firmly rebukes him, telling him to understand the real pain of orphans before making such remarks. Toshu, still frustrated, continues complaining about Vanraj’s shady dealings with a builder and declares himself the new head of the family.

At the ashram, Toshu’s outburst reaches the others. Sagar remarks on how difficult things must be for Anupama, while Aadhya worries about her mother’s health, knowing that the stress is too much for her. Baa, scared for Vanraj’s safety, confides in Anupama. Anupama, ever the rock of the family, reassures Baa, telling her to stay strong. She reminds Baa to take her medicine and asks Babu ji to stay close to her. Anupama’s voice is filled with determination as she tells the family that they must remain united, no matter what happens, and assures them that she will always stand by them.

Aadhya, noticing her mother’s exhaustion, asks when she will finally rest, especially since she just got out of the hospital. Anuj, always caring, reassures Aadhya that Anupama will be fine. Later, when Anupama returns to the family, Aadhya rushes to hug her. Anupama, with a heart full of worry and hope, prays to Kanha ji, asking for the strength to protect her family. However, she quietly admits that her trust in Vanraj has been shaken.

Later, a devastated Baa sits with Babu ji, lamenting how she can’t have both her son and husband in her life. Babu ji, offering his wisdom, reminds her that some people don’t have either. He prays that the allegations against Vanraj are false, but Baa, in deep pain, holds onto the hope that they will only know the truth when Vanraj returns. Meanwhile, Anuj brings Anupama her medicine and asks if she’s worried. With a heavy heart, Anupama admits that she never imagined Vanraj would betray them. Anuj, reflecting on how quickly money and power can change a person, warns that Vanraj may return as a different man, possibly even with the police, and this could bring disaster to the Shah family.

In another room, young Ansh, confused by everything happening, asks Toshu why people are speaking so poorly about his beloved Dadu. Toshu, harshly, tells the boy that his grandfather was a bad man who ran away. Ansh, defending his Dadu, insists he isn’t bad, and Mahi joins him in defending their father. Toshu, cold and heartless, threatens to send the kids to a hostel, leaving the family stunned. Kinjal, unable to take it anymore, angrily tells Toshu to stop. Meanwhile, Dimpy, anxious about their financial situation, wonders aloud how they will manage their expenses and fears they may lose their penthouse. She even suggests they might end up living at an enemy’s ashram. Shocked, Kinjal listens as Dimpy urges her to focus on the bigger issues. Toshu, sensing an opportunity, claims he will handle everything.

Throughout all this, Anuj continues to care for Anupama, while Aadhya notices the matching Radha-Krishna lockets that Anupama and Anuj are wearing. In the kitchen, Titu is preparing something for Baa when Dimpy approaches him. Titu, seeing through her, guesses that she is here to talk about Ansh’s share and wonders why he didn’t speak up when Toshu took charge. Titu calmly tells her that while he doesn’t want anything for himself, he won’t allow any injustice in the family.

As the day draws to a close, Aadhya excitedly takes pictures of Anupama’s cooking stall for social media. Anupama, always hands-on, steps outside to help peel peas, despite Anuj’s insistence that she rest. Aadhya, filled with joy, shares how she is looking forward to learning from Sagar, as Anupama watches on with a mix of pride and concern for the future.

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