Anupama 13th September 2024 Episode Summary: Anuj vs. Ankush – The Battle Commences

Anupama Written Episode Update – September 9, 2024: Aadhya’s Wedding Wish

The episode opens with Anupama brimming with joy as she reveals to the family that she found some old flowers in the cupboard, cleaned them up, and decided to reuse them. Observing the busyness around her, Sagar notes, “Everyone is so occupied.” Anupama, with a smile, responds, “It’s because Bappa is on his way.”

Mahi shares with Ishu that Bappa will bring them abundant joy. Anupama commends the children for their diligence and positive spirit, teasing them about whether Baa makes them drink saffron milk. Ishu replies with a grin, “We enjoy saffron milk.” The kids then urge Kinjal to come home quickly, humorously warning that Toshu might scold them. Kinjal, with a playful tone, assures them, “I’ll handle anyone who tries to scold you.”

Noticing Kinjal’s discomfort, Anupama inquires about it. Kinjal admits that she struggles with confrontations but feels forced into a corner by Toshu. Anupama imparts sage advice, saying, “A woman must discern when to be silent and when to voice her concerns.” Kinjal agrees, declaring, “It’s time for me to speak up.”

Anupama advises her to remain respectful and avoid crossing any lines. Kinjal lightens the mood with a joke, and at that moment, Baa arrives with dry fruits for the prasad (offering). Anupama appreciates Baa’s contribution and asks her to care for Bappa. Babu ji commends Baa’s efforts, while Anuj watches Anupama, Baa, and the children with a warm smile, playfully removing the “evil eye” from himself.

Meanwhile, Pakhi grumbles about Toshu’s annoying behavior. Aadhya approaches her, asking for a decorative toran and extending an invitation to join the festivities. Pakhi declines, remarking, “I don’t want to be involved with beggars.” Aadhya responds, pointing out Pakhi’s persistent arrogance.

Pakhi retorts, accusing Aadhya of trying to ruin lives and bringing up old grievances. Aadhya calmly replies, “I used to think that way, but now I understand that Mummy brings positivity into our lives.” Meenu arrives, prompting Aadhya to leave with a request for Meenu to fetch the toran. Meenu asks Pakhi what she said to Aadhya, to which Pakhi dismissively replies, “Status doesn’t change with clothes,” before deciding to tell Toshu about Meenu and Sagar.

As Anuj plays the drums, the family gathers for songs and dances to welcome Ganapati Bappa. Baa and Babu ji caution Toshu to not disrupt the celebration, warning him of more severe consequences than the drumbeats.

Anuj and Anupama perform the aarti (prayer ritual), and the rest of the family joins in. Toshu, meanwhile, looks at a photo of Meenu and Sagar, reflecting, “For once, Pakhi did something right.” Dolly arrives, and Anupama greets her warmly, saying, “It’s been years since we’ve seen each other. This joy is doubled.”

The atmosphere of celebration, however, takes a dramatic turn when Dolly accuses Anupama of trying to ruin Meenu’s life out of revenge against her brother. Dolly declares with anger, “Meenu sees you as a mother, but you’ve shown that a Mami (aunt) can never be a real mother.”

Anupama, taken aback and confused, asks for clarification. Dolly refuses to explain further, insisting that she will not discuss it in front of Bappa and warns Anupama to stay away from Meenu’s life. Meenu, confused by her mother’s harsh words, is taken away by Dolly.

After Dolly’s departure, Babu ji checks on Anupama, who is visibly distressed and bewildered by Dolly’s accusations. Baa suggests they should leave, but Babu ji insists on completing the puja with the prasad. He suspects that Toshu, Pakhi, or Vanraj might have influenced Dolly’s opinion and promises to address the matter with her later. Aadhya, disappointed, feels that Dolly’s actions have overshadowed the special plans she had for Anupama and Anuj.

Back at Dolly’s home, Meenu tries to explain that the accusations her mother heard were exaggerated. She insists on returning to complete the puja, despite Dolly’s reluctance.

Sagar vents his frustration to Bala, expressing how unfair it is for Dolly to scold Anupama when she has done no wrong. Bala advises patience, suggesting that Anupama is already feeling upset.

Later, Anuj comforts Anupama as she distributes chocolates to the children. When she offers one to Aadhya, Aadhya declines and instead makes a heartfelt request: she asks Anupama and Anuj to reconcile. Aadhya tearfully confesses that their separation was a consequence of her actions and pleads with them to reunite, not just for her but for their own love.

She reflects on their past struggles, saying, “You fought the world for your love but couldn’t fight for each other as parents. No one can replace you in Pops’ life, not even Shru. He still loves you.” Aadhya regrets the past and asks them to marry again, with her by their side.

Babu ji, witnessing this touching moment, says, “Parents live for their children, but they must also live for themselves.” Encouraged by the family, Aadhya presents Radha and Krishna locket pendants, symbolizing their eternal bond. She reminds them that their first wedding was celebrated in the presence of their three children, and now she wishes to see them marry again, with her beside them.

As the family reminisces, Babu ji declares that it is now up to Anupama and Anuj to decide. Anuj, deeply moved, tells Anupama that their daughter’s request is valid. He acknowledges their past misunderstandings and challenges, asking if she can forgive him and give their relationship a new chance. Anuj vows, “If Kanha ji has brought us together again, and our daughter and family wish for our reunion, what are we waiting for?” He promises to cherish their bond and never let it falter again, even until death.

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