Do Dooni piyaar
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Do Dooni Pyaar 16th September 2024 Written Episode: Abhay’s Marriage to Ganga Stuns Everyone

The episode begins with Lalita trying to soothe Ganga’s nerves, assuring her that things will turn out fine. She helps Ganga prepare for the wedding, making sure both Ganga’s and the groom’s faces are covered. With everything set, they proceed towards the mandap for the ceremony.

Elsewhere, Abhay is in a state of panic, deeply concerned about his mother’s safety. A mysterious man approaches him and shows him a threatening video, where his mother is seen in a dangerous situation. The man warns Abhay that if he doesn’t follow his orders, his mother will suffer the consequences. Feeling trapped and scared for his mother’s life, Abhay has no choice but to comply with the demands, despite his reluctance.

Meanwhile, Neha confronts Shobha in a distressed state. She reveals that she had planned for her son, Akshay, to marry Ritika, but now she feels lost and confused. Neha accuses Ritika of trying to win over Akshay, which catches Shobha by surprise. Shobha, not convinced, immediately reaches out to Ritika to clarify the situation. Ritika firmly denies any interest in Akshay and assures them that she has no desire to marry him. Though relieved by Ritika’s response, Neha is still puzzled and wonders who could be pursuing her son.

At the wedding venue, Akshay and Ritu arrive at the mandap, prepared for the ceremony. Ganga also arrives, quietly praying for guidance. A photographer at the event captures the moments, instructing the groom to smile for the camera. Nervous, Akshay confesses to Ritu that if his mother finds out about their secret wedding, she might not be able to handle it. Ritu reassures him, telling him that after they are married and she enters his home, his mother will eventually accept her. She asks him to trust her as they move forward with the marriage rituals.

During the ceremony, Ganga suddenly notices a bracelet on her groom’s wrist and is shocked to recognize it—it belongs to Abhay, someone she has crossed paths with before. Stunned by the revelation, she prays silently to Lord Bholenath, seeking strength to process the situation. Meanwhile, Akshay and Ritu continue with their wedding rituals, exchanging garlands. Akshay reflects on the seriousness of the moment, while Neha, increasingly anxious, tries to call Akshay but is unable to reach him.

As the rituals move forward, Ganga performs the aarti for Abhay, still grappling with the unexpected turn of events. Both couples exchange garlands and begin the sacred seven rounds around the fire, symbolizing the official sealing of their marriages. The priest then asks Akshay to apply sindoor to Ritu’s forehead. Ritu hands him the sindoor box, and Akshay carefully fills her hairline with sindoor, marking their union. Overwhelmed with emotion, Ganga tearfully hands the sindoor to Abhay, her eyes filled with sorrow as she begins to accept the reality of her unexpected marriage to him.

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