Jubilee Talkies 17th September 2024 Written Episode: Tara’s Deceptive Tactics Shock Ayaan

Jubilee Talkies 13th September 2024 Written Episode: Ayaan’s Deepening Guilt

The episode opens with a dramatic revelation from Ayaan, who solemnly admits, “I am responsible for Shivangi’s father’s death.” Unaware of Shivangi’s presence, he’s startled to find her overhearing this confession, leaving her both confused and deeply unsettled. In an effort to alleviate the tension, Bobby suggests Ayaan pay his respects to Shivangi’s father by offering a blessing to his photograph. Ayaan follows this advice, silently acknowledging the photo.

Shivangi, perceiving his inner turmoil, insists on joining him despite his protests. “You don’t have to come,” he says, but Shivangi insists she has already discussed it with her mother and will accompany him.

Meanwhile, a subplot unfolds with Goldie, who is engrossed in a phone call while counting money. He soon realizes he’s short on funds, adding to his worries.

As Ayaan and Shivangi begin their journey, Ayaan becomes introspective, haunted by a childhood accident. His deep contemplation catches Shivangi’s attention, leading her to ask if there has been a change in their destination. Ayaan, lost in guilt, remains silent. Their situation takes a turn for the worse when their car breaks down. “What’s the matter?” Shivangi inquires. Ayaan examines the car and explains, “There’s no network here.”

In a parallel scene, Goldie is shown attempting to mend his relationship with Dimple. He apologizes and seeks another chance, while Dimple hopes for a change in his behavior. Goldie’s true intentions are revealed when he surreptitiously steals her necklace while she’s momentarily distracted. He then asks her to prepare parathas. As she heads to the kitchen, Goldie takes the opportunity to slip away, grinning with satisfaction.

Back on the road, Ayaan and Shivangi are left with no option but to walk in search of a phone signal. Shivangi, nervously eyeing their surroundings, observes, “This place is surrounded by jungle.”

Meanwhile, on the set, Tara becomes increasingly anxious when Ayaan fails to arrive. Sandy informs her that Ayaan is running late due to picking up Shivangi, as it is the anniversary of her father’s death. This news heightens Tara’s concerns, fearing that Ayaan might disclose the truth, which could lead to disaster.

During their trek, Shivangi tries to uplift Ayaan’s spirits, but he responds sharply. She explains, “I was just trying to lighten the mood. I told my mom I’d be back soon. Do you think I’m enjoying this? No.” Realizing his harshness, Ayaan apologizes, and they decide to continue their journey before nightfall.

They eventually find a small lodge and decide to wait there until help arrives. Shivangi tries to reassure Ayaan, saying, “It’s fine. We’ll only be here for a few hours.” However, when Shivangi sneezes, Ayaan becomes concerned and inquires about her well-being. Despite her claims of being fine, Ayaan notices that she has a fever. He apologizes again for the wrong turn and promises to contact Sandy once they get a signal.

Ayaan gives Shivangi a towel to dry her hair and encourages her to talk about what’s troubling her. As he realizes her condition is worse than she admits, he wraps her in his jacket to keep her warm. Shivangi collapses suddenly, causing Ayaan to panic and urge her to rest.

In a frantic search for help, Ayaan approaches the lodge manager, asking him to arrange for a doctor. The manager, unable to contact a doctor, promises to bring some medicine. Returning to Shivangi, Ayaan does his best to comfort her, rubbing her hands and holding her close as the song “Mere Liye Tu” plays softly in the background, intensifying the emotional atmosphere.

As Ayaan holds Shivangi, he notices a bracelet on her wrist—a piece that once belonged to her father. The sight of the bracelet overwhelms him with guilt, deepening his emotional turmoil.

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