kumkum bhagya

Kumkum Bhagya Episode Updated – September 9, 2024: The Family’s Hidden Agenda

The episode begins with Harleen frantically searching for Poorvi, her anxiety palpable. Dadi, equally bewildered, wonders how Poorvi could have vanished so abruptly. Harleen speculates that Poorvi might have stumbled upon crucial evidence.

Deepika overhears this and quickly informs Monisha of their mother’s suspicion that Poorvi has uncovered something damning about Nethra. Monisha, maintaining her composure, assures Deepika that she is closely monitoring Nethra and there is no immediate cause for concern.

As Neha arrives with Poorvi and the others, Yug questions the effects of the truth serum. Neha instructs the pandit to commence the engagement ceremony. During the ceremony, as the pandit chants mantras, Sahil discreetly picks up the tray containing the truth serum.

Yug, intending to cause a distraction, whispers about making the tray fall, but Vikrant intervenes, explaining that the serum has already been diluted. Sahil offers the drink to Neha, who, despite Diya’s cautions, decides to drink it. Yug anxiously notes that Neha has consumed the serum. Sahil reassures Neha that he will stay close as the pandit continues with the ring exchange.

Poorvi hands the ring to Neha as Jassi watches with visible anxiety. When Neha attempts to place the ring on RV’s finger, she begins to feel faint. Monisha, noticing Neha’s deteriorating condition, asks RV to remove the ring that Poorvi had placed earlier. Neha, struggling to keep her balance, stumbles and falls while holding RV’s hand. Concern spreads through the room. Jassi chases after Sahil, while RV suggests that Neha might just be exhausted and offers to take her to a guest room to rest. Poorvi agrees with this plan.

Meanwhile, Harman, Jaswant, Vikrant, and Dadu discuss the effectiveness of the truth serum, suspecting its effects are starting to take hold. Dadi notices their departure and, upon inquiry, Dadu invites her to join them if she wishes. Harleen offers food but remains visibly skeptical of the ongoing events. She comments that the current situation mirrors Poorvi’s earlier mistake, prompting Harman to propose revealing their plan.

Outside, Monisha confronts Sahil, accusing him of attempting to disrupt Neha’s engagement. Sahil denies any personal interest in Neha and insists he has no stake in the matter. Monisha threatens to call the police if he doesn’t leave, warning that Neha won’t be able to help him if that happens. Sahil and Jassi exchange heated words before Sahil departs.

Back in the room, RV is concerned that Neha’s faintness might be due to excessive serum consumption. Soham calls Diya, and Poorvi advises her to speak with him. Understanding the urgency of getting Neha to confess, Poorvi and RV decide to wait until Neha regains her composure. They seat her in a chair and offer her water.

As RV goes to get the water, Poorvi searches through Neha’s bag and finds an ID card revealing Neha’s real name as Neha Singh, not Nethra Rai Singh. Confronted with this revelation, Neha admits she is not an actress but a bar dancer who fabricated her identity.

Meanwhile, Dadu, Harman, and Jaswant explain to Harleen and Vaishali that their intention was not to keep secrets but to ensure the plan’s success. Harleen voices her frustration at being left out, questioning why they weren’t informed earlier.

Vaishali agrees, arguing that involving the family from the start would have been more transparent. Dadi acknowledges that the family had sensed something was amiss. Harleen presses Vikrant for more information, and he reluctantly reveals that they used the truth serum in an attempt to force Nethra to reveal the truth.

Dadi, surprised by the revelation, asks for an explanation of the truth serum. Dadu explains that it compels individuals to speak the truth once consumed. Vikrant adds that Yug had tried to give the serum to Neha but wasn’t sure if she actually drank it. Harman concludes that RV and Poorvi are likely obtaining Neha’s confession at that very moment. Shocked by the unfolding events, Deepika attempts to slip away to warn Monisha, pretending to go fetch water.

Back with Neha, Poorvi presses her to confirm her true identity. Under the influence of the serum, Neha admits that her real name is Neha Singh. When asked if she genuinely wants to marry RV, Neha responds firmly, “No.”

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