kumkum bhagya

Kumkum Bhagya Written Episode Update – 2nd September 2024: Neha’s Surprising Announcement

The episode begins with RV confronting Poorvi about whether she signed the divorce papers. Poorvi, unsure, replies that she’s not certain if she did, but she knows in her heart that she wouldn’t have willingly divorced him. As she begins to walk away, she turns back to RV, who questions why she doesn’t want to proceed with the divorce.

Poorvi admits that while she doesn’t fully understand the complexities of their relationship or what it might become in the future, she feels a deep connection to it. This bond, she says, makes her feel less alone, and she’s not ready to let go of that. RV, moved by her honesty, agrees, revealing that he feels the same way.

Meanwhile, Jassi calls Monisha, who pretends to be asleep when she answers. Jassi demands to know why Monisha signed the papers when their plan is far from complete. Monisha reminds him that they successfully obtained the signatures, but Jassi warns that this is only the first step.

He criticizes her for celebrating prematurely at Nethra’s house, acting as if they had already won. Irritated, Monisha tells Jassi to stop trying to control her, insisting that they are equal partners in their scheme to separate RV and Poorvi and bring Nethra into RV’s life.

Dushyant arrives unexpectedly and angrily confronts Monisha, blaming her for all the trouble RV is facing. He tells her that he spoke to her mother and came to address the chaos she’s caused. Dushyant scolds Monisha for the mess she’s created in RV’s life, who is supposed to be her future husband.

Monisha tries to defend herself, explaining that she acted out of fear as RV was getting closer to Poorvi, and she was afraid of losing him forever. Dushyant sternly tells her that what she did was wrong. Monisha, however, insists that she can’t live without RV, that she loves him deeply, and that everything she’s done has been to secure a place in his life and family. She pleads for Dushyant’s support, but he leaves without a word, leaving her in tears.

Later, in the kitchen, Poorvi and Vaishali are busy when Nethra walks in. Nethra confidently announces that she’s going to marry RV and take Poorvi’s place in the household. She declares that she wants to learn everyone’s preferences so she can take care of the family. Poorvi, unfazed, confronts her, stating that until Nethra is actually married to RV, she has no rights in the house.

Nethra argues, but Poorvi stands firm, asserting that in this house, rights are earned through relationships, not just by signing papers. Nethra dismisses her and says she’ll take tea to Harleen aunty, expecting Poorvi and Vaishali to join her upstairs. After Nethra leaves, Vaishali expresses her concern that Nethra is planning to push Poorvi out of the house, which leaves Poorvi feeling downcast.

Neha then arrives, asking Deepika to accompany her to RV’s mother’s room. RV is surprised to see them there. With a cheerful smile, Neha announces that she is now the bahu (daughter-in-law) of the house and has some exciting news to share. She reveals that the date for the marriage has been set, offering two options: one in seven days and another in twenty days, leaving it to the family to decide.

Harman, shocked, asks why she is rushing the engagement and wedding. Vaishali also questions Neha’s urgency. Neha insists that there’s no point in waiting, especially with a court case looming. She wants the engagement to happen immediately, followed by the wedding soon after. RV protests, saying he needs more time, but Neha pressures him, warning that the court case could complicate things for the entire family if they don’t act quickly. Poorvi silently agrees with Neha, which only adds to RV’s confusion and frustration.

Later, Monisha calls Neha to congratulate her on arranging the engagement and wedding dates so swiftly. Neha credits Jassi for teaching her how to handle things and expresses her loyalty to him. Monisha, feeling threatened, tries to convince Neha to side with her instead of Jassi, arguing that she has more class and wealth. However, Neha dismisses the conversation, saying they’ll discuss it later, leaving Monisha uneasy about the growing influence Neha might wield.

Harleen then confronts Poorvi, accusing her of ruining RV’s life and the family’s happiness. She doesn’t understand why Poorvi supported Neha and believes that Poorvi’s actions are at the root of all their problems. Vaishali joins in, scolding Poorvi and expressing regret that they ever married her to RV.

Deepika and Vaishali continue to blame Poorvi for the family’s troubles. RV tries to defend Poorvi, explaining that her intentions were not bad, but the family refuses to listen. Harleen insists that RV’s disagreements with them are solely because of Poorvi, whom she sees as the cause of all the chaos. Sensing an opportunity, Deepika further turns the family against Poorvi, deepening the rift within the household.

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