Mangal Lakshmi 12th September 2024 Episode: Kusum Uncovers Adit’s Affair

Mangal Lakshmi 12th September 2024 Episode: Kusum Uncovers Adit’s Affair

The episode begins with Adit informing his mother that he has an important meeting to attend and will catch up with her later. As he moves toward the door, he is shocked to see Kusum standing there, visibly upset. Meanwhile, Mangal calls Kusum, attempting to reassure her. “Adit is doing fine. He even sent chocolates with a note that says, ‘With love, Adit,'” Mangal says, feeling relieved and assuming Adit had just been caught up with work. Kusum, however, isn’t fooled and grows angrier.

Unable to contain her emotions, Kusum storms out of the house, refusing to hear Adit’s explanations. “Amma, please hear me out,” Adit pleads desperately, but Kusum is in no mood to listen. Enraged, she slaps him and orders him never to call her “mother” again. She confronts him for lying to everyone, accusing him of sneaking around with Soumya in a hotel. Each accusation is punctuated by another slap, her fury growing with each word.

Kusum demands to know how Adit could betray his wife, parents, and children so deeply. With heartbreak in her voice, Kusum says, “I prayed for you, I trusted you, but today you’ve brought shame upon all of us.” She recalls the panic the family experienced when they thought Adit was in a plane crash, only to discover that he had deceived them all along. She chastises him for disrespecting his father, Mangal, before turning her back on Adit, who begs for her forgiveness.

Shortly after Kusum’s exit, Soumya calls Adit, curious about his whereabouts. When Adit reveals that his mother has found out about their affair, Soumya reacts with delight rather than concern. “This is the best birthday surprise I could have asked for. I won’t let this opportunity slip away,” she says with satisfaction.

On the other side of town, Mangal prays with her grandchildren, offering her thanks to God for keeping Adit safe. Akshar, still shaken, tells her how frightened he was when his friends said their father had died, while Ishana expresses relief that their father wasn’t on the doomed flight. Mangal soothes them both, assuring them that everything will be okay.

As she embraces Lakshmi, the weight of her earlier fear overwhelms her, and she breaks down in tears. Lakshmi offers comfort, understanding the depth of her worry. Mangal then decides she will visit the temple to offer prayers for Adit’s safety.

In the meantime, Kusum, devastated, wanders aimlessly through the streets until she finds herself at the temple. She unties the prayer thread she had earlier tied for Adit’s protection, thinking back on how relieved they all felt when they learned he was alive. Adit tracks her down and begs her to stop hurting herself, but Kusum is too shattered to listen.

She tells Adit that he has destroyed their family, lamenting that the son she once prayed for has become her greatest sorrow. “All ties between us are broken,” she says coldly, her words cutting through Adit like a blade.

Though Adit begs her not to be so harsh, Kusum stands firm. She is haunted by the thought of Mangal’s innocent trust in Adit and can no longer keep the truth hidden. “How will Mangal feel when she learns the truth about the man she fasts and prays for every day?” Kusum asks, resolved to reveal everything.

At home, Kusum returns with her hands injured. Mangal immediately notices and asks her what happened, but Kusum brushes it off, saying she merely fell. As Mangal tends to her wounds, Kusum wrestles with her emotions, unsure how she can break the news to Mangal.

While Mangal continues to offer her gratitude to God for Adit’s safety, Kusum’s heart breaks under the weight of the secret she carries. “How do I tell her that she has already lost Adit?” Kusum wonders. She knows she has to tell Mangal the truth before Adit returns home.

Later, when Adit finally arrives, his children run to him, overjoyed that their father is safe. Mangal embraces him tightly, performing a small prayer ritual in gratitude for his safety, and expresses how frightened the entire family was. Sudesh also hugs Adit, calling him the heart of the family. Mangal then mentions that she made a vow to visit the temple to offer her thanks, and she asks Adit if she can go.

Kusum, hiding her inner turmoil, encourages Mangal to visit the temple, hoping it will provide her with some peace. Sensing something is wrong, Mangal asks if Kusum is feeling alright. Kusum, still masking her pain, responds that she is just stressed from everything that has happened recently.

Later, Mangal confides in Sudesh, expressing concern over Kusum’s unusual behavior. Sudesh agrees, pointing out that Kusum’s deep love for Adit may be overwhelming her. She advises Mangal to visit the temple to seek comfort. Meanwhile, Akshar and the children present Adit with a handmade card, and Adit, visibly emotional, hugs them.

As Mangal prepares to leave for the temple, she gives final instructions to the family to ensure everything runs smoothly in her absence. Sudesh remarks on how Mangal holds the family together with her love and care, while Kusum, lost in her thoughts, sadly reflects, “It takes no time to tear apart a happy family.”

This episode highlights the fragility of trust and the devastating impact that betrayal can have on even the closest of families. The tensions within the household, especially between Kusum and Adit, mirror real-life situations where secrets and lies can quickly unravel the bonds that tie a family together.

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