Mera Balam Thanedaar

Mera Balam Thanedaar Written Episode Updated – 9th September 2024: The Return of Mahant Ji

The episode kicks off with Veer eager to meet the psychiatrist, but Bulbul intervenes, knowing that Siddharth is nearby and worried that Vani might accidentally expose him to the authorities. She cleverly tells Veer that the doctor wants to speak with Vani alone. Veer, not convinced, argues that as Vani’s brother, he has every right to be there.

Desperate to keep Siddharth hidden, Bulbul follows Veer closely and loudly calls out, signaling the police, alerting Siddharth to hide. Inside the room, Veer finds the doctor guiding Vani through writing exercises. Thinking quickly, Bulbul rushes in and distracts Veer by complaining that Dhristi is bothering her. Concerned, Veer steps out and asks what Dhristi did. B

ulbul, pretending to be upset, says she’s worried about their mother’s health. Veer comforts her and reassures her that everything will be okay, attempting to return to the doctor. Bulbul, quick on her feet, tells Veer that their mother is calling him, and just at that moment, Sulakshana calls out for Veer, pulling him away from the situation.

Back in the room, Bulbul urges Siddharth to leave immediately, joking that his prolonged stay might give her a heart attack. Vani lightens the mood by teasing that she’ll soon be a doctor and can treat Bulbul. Relieved to see Vani improving, Siddharth promises to visit again soon before slipping away.

Meanwhile, Bulbul overhears the pandit expressing his worries about Mahant Ji’s health and quickly heads over. The pandit anxiously questions whether makhana was added to the meal, and Dhristi confirms she followed Bulbul’s instructions, showing a list given by Bulbul to Sulakshana. Bulbul tries to offer Mahant Ji some pineapple juice, but an elderly lady scolds her, forbidding her from doing more. B

ulbul stands firm, insisting that saving Mahant Ji’s life should be the priority. Veer helps Mahant Ji into the car, but the atmosphere is tense as a group of women gossip, blaming Bulbul for tarnishing her sister’s reputation. Dhristi signals Vishesh, who publicly declares that Bulbul is too irresponsible to handle the house keys.

The women pressure Sulakshana to give the keys to Dhristi, but Sulakshana defends Bulbul, praising her as the best daughter-in-law she’s ever had. The ladies insult Sulakshana, prompting Bulbul to apologize on her behalf, pleading with them to not speak ill of her mother-in-law.

Vishesh demands that Bulbul surrender the keys to Dhristi, who seizes them without hesitation. Bulbul stares at Vishesh in disbelief, while Vardhan silently disapproves of the unfair treatment she’s receiving.

With a smug smile, Dhristi thanks Bulbul, reminding her of her earlier promise that the keychain would eventually belong to her. She warns Bulbul to stay out of her way. Feeling crushed, Bulbul looks toward Sulakshana and others before breaking down in tears. The pandit, furious, curses Bulbul, predicting that she will bring misfortune upon her family. Fearful of the curse, the other women quickly disperse.

However, the tense atmosphere shifts as Mahant Ji returns, visibly healthy and strong. The pandit is taken aback, questioning how Mahant Ji has recovered so quickly. Veer recalls how Bulbul’s traditional remedy worked wonders once again. Mahant Ji expresses his gratitude toward Bulbul, commending her for saving his life and admonishing the pandit for his rash curse.

He blesses Bulbul, proclaiming that her healing hands could never bring harm and recognizing her as the protector of their household. He wishes her the strength and happiness to face any challenges ahead. Overwhelmed with emotion, Bulbul touches his feet in respect as Mahant Ji and the other pandits depart.

Sulakshana, deeply touched by Bulbul’s actions, thanks her for turning a curse into a blessing and even attempts to touch Bulbul’s feet. Bulbul, embarrassed, stops her, insisting that it wouldn’t be right for her mother-in-law to do such a thing. Sulakshana, filled with affection, calls Bulbul a true blessing to the family, admitting she never once believed that Bulbul would instruct Dhristi to add makhana to the food. Bulbul humbly asks Sulakshana to continue guiding her and to correct her whenever she errs.

Veer approaches Bulbul and kisses her hand, with Vayu and Varnika smiling proudly at her. As Dhristi turns to leave, Bulbul confronts her, saying that while she kept silent for the family’s honor, she never expected Dhristi to risk someone’s life over something as petty as house keys. With newfound determination, Bulbul vows to take back the keys within 24 hours, declaring that it’s her promise—a promise she fully intends to keep.

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