Mishri 11th September 2024 Written Episode Updated: Gopal Takes the Blame – A Stunning Twist

Mishri 11th September 2024 Written Episode Updated: Gopal Takes the Blame – A Stunning Twist

The episode kicks off with Vaani video-calling Raghav, questioning why he isn’t dressed yet. Raghav explains that he was unwell with a fever the previous day but is now feeling much better. During their conversation, Vaani notices Mishri’s pillow on Raghav’s bed, sparking suspicion that Mishri may have stayed in his room overnight. However, Vaani quickly dismisses the thought, blaming her imagination and choosing to focus on uncovering the real perpetrator.

As Mishri and Raghav prepare to head out, Grandpa stops them at the door. Sulekha, curious about their plans, asks where they are going. Raghav casually responds that they are just going for a walk. Sulekha warns them to be mindful of how their actions might appear to others, advising Mishri to maintain some distance from Raghav to avoid gossip.

Raghav reassures her that he will handle the situation, and Mishri respectfully seeks Grandpa’s blessings before they leave. Sulekha remarks that it’s an odd time to ask for blessings, but Mishri replies that it’s always the right time to receive an elder’s guidance. Touched by her humility, Raghav hopes that Mishri finds the happiness she deserves.

At the market, undercover police keep a watchful eye on Mishri while Vaani and Raghav monitor her from a distance. Mishri stays connected to them through Bluetooth, ready for any danger. Raghav reminds her to stay alert, while Vaani assures her that today will be the day they catch the attacker. Mishri, displaying confidence, tells them she’s already confronted him twice and can do it again. Vaani admires her bravery but urges caution, and Mishri agrees, soon spotting the masked man approaching.

As the masked figure draws near, Mishri signals to Raghav and the police. The attacker confronts her, warning that she should have left when she had the chance and threatening that this time, he won’t miss. Raghav quickly intervenes, shoving the man and pursuing him alongside the police. The masked assailant sets a trap, causing Mishri to stumble as her leg gets caught.

Surrounded by the police, the attacker brandishes a key, revealing that the trap is wired with electricity. He threatens that if they shoot, Mishri will be electrocuted. Demanding that the police back down, the attacker forces their compliance. Vaani, fearing for Mishri’s safety, pleads with Raghav to retreat, and he reluctantly agrees.

In a daring act, Raghav throws a bottle at the masked man, causing him to drop the key. Seething with anger, Raghav confronts the attacker, demanding to know how he could dare to threaten Mishri.

As tensions escalate, Mishri steps forward, pulling off the attacker’s mask to reveal Gopal’s face. Shocked and hurt, Raghav accuses Gopal of betrayal, expressing his disbelief that someone he trusted like family could be so deceitful. He points out how such actions make it difficult for women to trust men.

Gopal confesses, taking the blame for the attacks, but Mishri is unconvinced. She insists that Gopal isn’t the true attacker, pointing out that the voice and physical strength of the man she fought were different. However, Vaani disagrees, reassuring everyone that Gopal is indeed the culprit and urging them to close this chapter. She hugs Raghav, relieved to think that it’s all finally over.

The episode ends on a note of uncertainty and unease, leaving viewers to wonder if the true attacker is still out there, hinting at even more twists and revelations ahead.

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