Mishri 13th September 2024 Written Episode: Mishri Discovers a Life-Changing Secret

Mishri Written Episode Updated – 1st September 2024: Hidden Truths Revealed

The episode opens with Vaani confronting Raghav, demanding an explanation for why he sent Mishri away. Mishri steps in, calmly explaining that Raghav had every right to do so because he is her husband. Overjoyed to see Vaani, Mishri embraces her and repeats that Raghav is indeed her spouse.

Vaani, thinking Mishri is joking, brushes it off, but Mishri seriously presents the marriage certificate as proof. Ranjith, observing this, realizes that Mishri has revealed the truth, which means he can no longer blackmail her and risks her digging deeper to expose him.

Vaani, still in shock, expresses her disbelief, thinking it’s a cruel joke, and turns to Raghav for answers. Sulekha also demands an explanation. Raghav, in desperation, tries to dismiss Mishri’s claims, but Mishri remains firm, insisting to Vaani that she is truly Raghav’s wife. Furious, Vaani slaps Mishri.

Kalpana, sensing the tension, advises Vaani not to trust Raghav, but Mishri urges her to look at the certificate. Chithra takes the document, confirming that both Raghav and Mishri have signed it, proving Mishri is telling the truth. Enraged, Kalpana grabs Raghav by the collar, accusing him of betraying her daughter. Raghav, however, strongly denies any wrongdoing.

In a desperate attempt to hide the truth, Raghav tears up the marriage certificate, insisting to Vaani that Mishri is lying and that he has no connection with her. When Vaani questions his motives, Raghav angrily silences her, accusing Mishri of poisoning his mother and saying he threw her out when he caught her.

He claims that Mishri is just trying to create drama to break them apart. Heartbroken, Vaani says she never expected such betrayal from him. Mishri warns that the truth will eventually come out and urges him to confess. Feeling deeply hurt, Vaani asks Raghav if he trusts Mishri more than her. She recalls the bond she had with Mishri, even tying a rakhi on her hand, but now feels betrayed. In a symbolic gesture, Vaani throws the rakhi to the ground, declaring she can no longer trust anyone.

Vaani then demands a private conversation with Raghav. Kalpana tries to intervene, but her husband advises her to let Vaani and Raghav resolve the issue themselves. Later, Sulekha confronts Mishri, accusing her of causing trouble in the family and hitting her for blaming her grandson.

Chithra comments that things seem to be going in Mishri’s favor. Ridhi suggests throwing Mishri out, accusing her of trying to seduce her brother. Chithra doubts Mishri’s story, but Mishri firmly denies any wrongdoing. As Sulekha tries to force Mishri out, Parvati steps in to protect her. In anger, Sulekha slaps Parvati, but Parvati insists that Mishri must stay because she is Raghav’s protector. Reflecting on past events, Sulekha feels helpless.

Meanwhile, Kalpana overhears Raghav and Vaani’s conversation and blames Mishri for the turmoil, vowing not to let her get away with it. Vaani confides in Raghav that she once considered Mishri a sister, but Raghav dismisses Mishri as undeserving of such affection. Vaani then demands that Raghav prove his love for her by marrying her in front of everyone.

Parvati, suspicious of Mishri’s intentions, accuses her of being greedy. Kalpana, in a final attempt to regain control, tries to force Mishri out of the house, but Mishri stands her ground, declaring it her rightful place as Raghav’s wife. Kalpana argues that the house belongs to Vaani as Raghav’s wife. Vaani, determined to secure her position, asks Raghav to marry her publicly, but Sulekha objects.

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