Pukaar Dil Se Dil Tak 18th Sept 2024 Written Episode: Sagar Backs Vedika in a Dramatic Turn of Events

Pukaar Dil Se Dil Tak 18th Sept 2024 Written Episode: Sagar Backs Vedika in a Dramatic Turn of Events

The episode kicks off with a tense and dramatic moment as Vedika storms into the mandap and forcefully knocks Sagar to the ground. Rageshwari, alarmed by the disruption, demands an explanation from Vedika. Unfazed, Vedika boldly claims that the wedding is a farce. Her mother, Saraswathi, is enraged by her outburst and sternly declares that Vedika has crossed all boundaries, even going so far as to disown her. She threatens to have the guards remove Vedika if she doesn’t leave immediately.

Sagar, puzzled by the chaos, asks Vedika why she’s acting this way. Desperately, Vedika pleads with him to listen, insisting she has proof to back her claims. Degvijay, irritated by the interruption, also presses her for an explanation. Vedika then shocks everyone by revealing that someone in the family is trying to harm her mother. But as her gaze shifts to Suphedra, who’s wearing a particular ring, Vedika suddenly goes silent. Sagar and Degvijay urge her to continue, but Sagar grows impatient and demands that the wedding proceed as planned. He orders the Pandit to resume the rituals, brushing off Vedika’s accusations.

Sagar mocks Vedika, claiming that her attempts to stop the wedding are futile, although he does acknowledge her effort. Saraswathi steps in, telling Vedika to leave and assuring everyone that nothing will stand in the way of the marriage. As the ceremony continues, Koyal hugs Saraswathi, who continues to glare at Vedika. Heartbroken, Vedika leaves the mandap, while Rageshwari and Degvijay look on with satisfaction, pleased with her departure.

Saraswathi comforts Koyal, assuring her that everything will proceed smoothly now. She apologizes to Sagar for the disruption and suggests he change his clothes before returning to complete the wedding. Sagar leaves, and Saraswathi consoles Koyal once again. Mauri, who has been nervously watching everything unfold, feels relieved that the truth didn’t come to light.

Vedika’s Uncertainty

As Vedika leaves, she is consumed with doubt. She had been convinced that Rageshwari and Degvijay were behind the plan to harm her mother, but seeing Suphedra, whom she trusts completely, wearing the ring has thrown her off. Now, she’s unsure who the real culprit is.

Meanwhile, Rageshwari, feeling confident that Vedika won’t come back, reassures Suphedra. She compliments Suphedra on the ring she gave her and asks her to check with the Pandit to ensure everything is ready for Sagar’s return. Once Suphedra leaves, Rageshwari turns to Degvijay and tells him to stay focused until the wedding is completed.

Degvijay praises his mother for her clever move—giving the ring to Suphedra just as Vedika started investigating the medicine change. He commends her for perfectly timing the gift, ensuring that Vedika would have no evidence to back her claims. Rageshwari, pleased with how things have unfolded, remarks that sometimes the lack of evidence works just as well as proof. Confident that Vedika’s investigation has hit a dead end, the two share a moment of triumph, feeling secure in their plan.

Vedika’s Next Step

Despite the confusion swirling in her mind, Vedika prays for guidance. She starts to suspect that Mauri and Koyal might have been involved in the events of the previous day. As she watches the household staff bustling about, a plan begins to take shape in her mind. She realizes she still has options and resolves to take her next step carefully.

Sagar’s Inner Conflict

In his room, Sagar is still grappling with confusion and frustration over Vedika’s sudden outburst. Just then, there’s a knock on the door. A staff member informs him that Suphedra has sent someone to collect his clothes. When Sagar opens the door, Vedika rushes in. Surprised, Sagar reminds her that she was ordered to leave. However, Vedika remains resolute and tells him that his mother has been receiving the wrong medication. At first, Sagar doesn’t believe her, but when Vedika explains that she had the medicine tested and found out it was a powerful painkiller, not a calcium supplement, he starts to pay attention.

Vedika calls Dr. Singh, who confirms that taking such strong painkillers over time could cause serious health issues, including a stroke. Sagar is shocked, realizing that his mother’s health isn’t as dire as he had been led to believe. This revelation diminishes the urgency of his marriage to Koyal. As the truth sinks in, Sagar and Vedika share a quiet moment, realizing the gravity of the situation.

Suddenly, Lali knocks on the door, asking how much longer Sagar will be. Sagar quickly pretends to be looking for his cufflinks. As they sit together, Sagar confesses that he never truly wanted to marry Koyal, but felt bound by a promise he made to his aunt. Vedika reassures him that he was forced into the situation and that Koyal isn’t his real Jhanvi. Sagar admits that he has no desire to stay connected to Koyal, and Vedika opens up about her own feelings of helplessness, explaining that she doesn’t trust anyone in the household.

Sagar admits that trusting Vedika has been challenging for him as well. He then proposes a plan to her, suggesting they work together to uncover the truth. Vedika clarifies that her only goal is to protect her mother, not to earn his love or trust. She begs him for a chance to prove what she’s saying. Sagar, moved by her sincerity, agrees to help. They share a moment of unity, holding hands as they prepare to face the challenges ahead. Vedika asks if they can leave right away, and Sagar agrees, though he’s surprised when she hands him a change of clothes.

The Escape Plan

As Vedika hurriedly packs her belongings, including her wedding dress, Sagar prepares for their escape. Vedika attempts to place a cap on his head to disguise him, but Sagar refuses, concerned it will mess up his hair. Sagar then asks how they plan to leave without being noticed. Vedika suggests using bedsheets to climb out of the window. The pair begins getting everything ready for their daring escape.

The Family’s Shock

Back at the door, Koyal and the rest of the family grow impatient as Lali keeps asking how much longer Sagar will take. Koyal demands that he open the door, and when there’s no response, she tries to push her way in. To their utter shock, the room is empty—Sagar is nowhere to be found. Panic spreads as Saraswathi grows anxious. Koyal, in disbelief, cries out that Sagar has run away. The entire family is left stunned and confused, unsure of what to do next.

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