Udne Ki Aasha – September 18, 2024: Sachin’s Outburst and Roshni’s Shocking Reaction

Udne Ki Aasha – September 18, 2024: Sachin’s Outburst and Roshni’s Shocking Reaction

The episode begins with Anya confronting Sachin about comments made by Sayali. Sachin brushes off Sayali’s remarks as mere fabrications, while Sayali watches from a distance. Sachin shows concern for Sayali’s well-being, which brings a fleeting smile to her face.

Meanwhile, at dinner, Roshni notices Tejas’s exhaustion and offers to make more parathas before leaving the room. Seizing the moment, Renu speaks to Tejas, pointing out that while Roshni believes he is tired from work, he actually spends most of his day sleeping.

She warns him that they cannot keep this secret from Roshni forever and mentions that Sayali spotted Tejas at a restaurant and informed Sachin, who now plans to expose him. Tejas, however, dismisses her concerns, confident they can handle it.

Paresh, who has been waiting for Sachin and Sayali, grows increasingly impatient. When Sachin finally arrives home, Paresh questions his whereabouts, but Sachin, clearly intoxicated, avoids the question and attempts to go to bed. Paresh’s attempt to confront Sachin is thwarted when Sachin covers his mouth.

Renu reveals Sachin’s drunken state, and Sachin, emotionally charged, admits he couldn’t bear the disgrace Akash brought upon their family. He confesses to going to a hotel and physically confronting Akash. Paresh is stunned but Sachin stands firm on his actions.

Renu, with a hint of sarcasm, asks Sachin if he’s proud of his violent actions, suggesting he should direct his anger towards his wife instead. Sachin firmly denies this, explaining that Aaji taught him never to hit a woman. He admits to having shouted at Sayali and asked her to leave, blaming her for their family’s issues. Paresh, disheartened, tells Sachin that drinking won’t solve their problems and expresses his pain at seeing Sachin in such a state.

As Paresh begins to experience chest pains, Renu blames Sayali for the family’s turmoil and expresses her embarrassment about the neighborhood gossip. Initially supportive of Sayali, Roshni starts to align with Renu’s views. Renu continues to lament that Sayali has brought shame upon their family and feels uncomfortable going out due to the public’s scrutiny.

Sachin, still drunk, offers to confront the gossips, but Renu points out that the entire neighborhood is talking. Tejas adds that Akash has tarnished their father’s reputation, while Sachin accuses Tejas of causing family troubles by running away from his wedding.

Roshni, hearing the escalating argument, reprimands Sachin for his behavior, asserting that he is not being a good son. Despite Sachin’s protests, Roshni accuses him of disgracing the family with his drunken state. Tensions rise into a physical confrontation between Tejas and Sachin. In the midst of trying to intervene, Paresh collapses from a heart attack. Roshni urgently calls for an ambulance.

At the hospital, Paresh is placed in the ICU, and the family is deeply troubled. The doctor informs them that Paresh has suffered a heart attack, and though tests have been conducted, his condition remains critical. The family is left in shock, anxiously waiting for news about Paresh’s condition.

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