Udne Ki Aasha – September 18, 2024: Sachin’s Outburst and Roshni’s Shocking Reaction

Udne Ki Aasha Written Episode Updated– 8th September 2024: Paresh in Trouble

The episode begins with Sayali signing as a witness. Akash tells her they’ll return home in their friend’s car. Sayali agrees but advises Akash to explain the situation to Sachin before leaving. Walking away in tears, she reflects on Sachin’s harsh words.

Meanwhile, Riya tells Akash that even though they promised Sayali to go home, now isn’t the right time. Akash insists on going back, but Riya disagrees, worried that their parents will be furious if they find out. She suggests waiting a couple of days until things calm down.

Sayali walks down the street, still visibly upset. At home, Raghav asks about Riya’s whereabouts. Joy and Mamta are confused, wondering what happened since Riya and Akash left together. Raghav explains that they went to the temple, but Riya disappeared after sending him to buy a gift, and now her phone is switched off.

Joy thinks Riya might have gone for some dubbing work. Raghav becomes frustrated, reminding everyone that he had asked her not to take such jobs and that she should have at least informed them. Joy tries to pacify him, promising to talk to Riya. Raghav leaves, instructing them to let him know when she returns. Joy then reveals that he knows where Riya is and who she’s with, deciding that it’s time to confront Paresh.

At Paresh’s house, Renu is anxiously waiting for Sayali. Roshni and Tejas arrive, and Renu invites them to join for a meal. Paresh sarcastically asks Tejas about his work hours, suggesting that Tejas might just be planning to relax in a garden. Tejas explains that his job has flexible hours and that he’ll leave later after meeting a client. Renu insists that Tejas sit down and eat.

Joy and Mamta burst into the house, with Joy angrily confronting Paresh about Riya’s whereabouts. Paresh pretends not to understand what they’re talking about. Mamta accuses Paresh’s son of being involved, demanding that he bring Riya back or face the consequences. Renu assumes they’re referring to Sachin, but Tejas hints that Sachin might have kidnapped Riya.

Paresh clarifies that they’re talking about Akash, not Sachin. Renu asks what Akash has done, and Mamta accuses him of kidnapping her daughter. Renu defends Akash, brushing off the accusations, while Paresh insists that Mamta is overreacting.

Paresh explains that Akash assured him Riya was just a good friend and denies any wrongdoing. However, Joy is convinced that Akash took Riya somewhere and demands that Paresh contact him. Paresh tries calling Akash, but Riya stops Akash from answering and switches off his phone, telling him not to worry.

Meanwhile, Sayali and Sachin try calling each other but can’t connect. Paresh tells Joy that Akash’s phone is off. Mamta accuses Paresh of lying, certain that he’s behind Riya’s disappearance. Roshni defends Paresh, asking Mamta to speak with respect, but Mamta hurls insults. Renu stands up for her husband.

Tejas starts to question whether Akash could be involved, but Paresh continues to deny any wrongdoing. Frustrated, Joy grabs Paresh by the collar, reminding him of how he used to praise Akash. Renu demands that Joy and Mamta leave, but just then, the police arrive to take Paresh in for questioning.

Paresh protests, saying they can’t arrest him without proof. The inspector explains that Paresh needs to come with them for questioning. Roshni requests that the inspector question Paresh at home since he’s a senior citizen. Paresh accuses Joy of filing a false complaint out of revenge.

The inspector clarifies that Paresh only needs to provide a written statement but warns that refusing to cooperate could lead to an arrest warrant. Paresh reluctantly agrees to go with them.

As they prepare to leave, Joy accuses Paresh of trying to escape. The inspector reassures Joy and asks Paresh to come with them in the police jeep. Roshni tells Tejas they’ll accompany Paresh, while Renu watches anxiously. Sayali arrives, questioning why Paresh was taken away.

A neighbor informs her that Paresh’s son has allegedly kidnapped a girl to marry her. Sayali refuses to believe the accusation and rushes off in an auto-rickshaw, desperately trying to call Sachin, who is already on his way.

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